The owners bought a five-acre tract of land in rural horse country northwest of Chicago, Illinois to design and build a ‘family compound’, one that would support their family of seven for years to come. It was vital that the residence was of a quality that would ‘last the test of time and that could be handed down, generation after generation’.
Location: Barrington Hills, IL
Design: 1999-2001
Construction: 2002-2003
Design Principal: Thomas L Shafer AIA
Project Architect: Scott Crowe AIA
Project Team: Brian Malady, Ben Gauslin, Benjamin Zachwieja, Michael Shumacher
General Contractor: Windward Builders, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Enspect, Inc.
Mechanical Engineer: Lehman Design Group, Inc.
Landscape Architect: Scott Byron & Company
Mechanical Contractor: Continental Engineering
Audio/Visual Consultant: Baumeister Audio/Video
Photography: Doug Snower Photography